Software Engineering and IKIGAI

Jeewantha Lahiru
3 min readMay 28, 2021

Have you ever thought:

If I earn this much money, I’ll be happier or if I owned that thing, I’ll be happier?

It’s refreshing to know that in recent years, as a society, we’ve started to move away from the idea that economic success, wealth and possessions are signs of achievement or the sole items responsible for our happiness.

What is Ikigai?

Philosophers have been deliberating over constructs that explain the pursuit of happiness and the meaning of life for centuries. Ikigai is one thought to combine the Japanese words ikiru, meaning “to live”, and kai, meaning “the sensation of what hopes for”. Together these definitions create “a reason to live” or having a life purpose.

We all strive for satisfaction and purpose in our lives. Your ikigai is your reason for jumping out of bed in the morning, what motivates you to revel in and appreciate life every day.

Ikigai is a beneficial practice in career growth because like your own passions and needs, and what the world needs — the meditation of ikigai grows and changes with you. There’s not necessarily an end to your ikigai practice, it’s an ongoing journey.

How to find your Ikigai?

According to Japanese culture, everyone has ikigai. Detecting our strengths is not always easy. There are four questions that can help us find our path. If you write them down somewhere where you come across them regularly, you can use them as a compass bringing you closer to your purpose.

To find your Ikigai, you must ask yourself:

1. What do I love?

2. What am I good at?

3. What can I be paid for?

4. What does the world need?

What do I love

Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause; to enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; to strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a person. In the IKIGAI ideology, Passion will fall under two categories: What you love and What you are good at.

Software engineering is kind of a passion for me. I love to work with computers, software. also I love play games and develop games. The software engineering degree program helps me to improve knowledge of game development.

What am I good at

I should memorize my skills that I am good at. I can play games with hard difficulty. I can drive vehicles really fast. I can make designs such as UI designs, flyers and I am good at 3D modelling.

Software Engineering degree program helped me to improve design skills through Interaction design development course module.

What can I be paid for

find the thing that you can get paid for. This requires deeper thinking and well known about the status of the career world. If I’m thinking about myself, I am going to be a Software developer. I will be paid for developing softwares.

What does the world need

We have to figure out What the world needs & involves taking what’s going on in the world right now. Then you have to drive your skills and passion in positive change‍.

Therefore get a brief idea of IKIGAI and work that the way you love.



Jeewantha Lahiru

Undergraduate Software Engineer in University of Kelaniya